On Setbacks

You know, sometimes things just don't go your way.  The semester is over and I was planning on taking a week off to do absolutely nothing and regroup.  Then work gets crazy busy and the system drive on my computer fails.  Massively.  For a guy who preaches (if preach is a strong enough word) about the virtues of backups, I don't seem to take my own advice very well.  I hadn't created a backup since I switched to Win7 back in August.  Oops.  Fortunately most of the information that I created or changed was on one of the other hard drives in my rig.  Unfortunately that doesn't include the comic.  I've lost (the drive failure was catastrophic, the only data I could pull off of it using some fairly sophisticated software and about 10 hours time was information off of a virtual machine I had.  Go figure) all of the raw comic data that I've created since August.  While that's not a lot, it does include a significant amount of screenshots that I had taken.

The comics will return, and I will finish, even if it kills me.  It's just going to be a little longer since I have to reinstall a bunch of software and do screen-grabs again. 

Edit:  While I'm at it, I will be upgrading Comic Press, too.  So if the site is broken every one in a while, please bear with me.

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  1. Yes, it is different being on the other side… We just love your view on the world! Don't be a hater! Atleast your FAN, is looking out for you! Peaches and Cream to you on the is New Years Eve my friend…Play time is over….

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